lundi 29 octobre 2012

Alexis de Tocqueville and the Art of Democratic Statesmanship

Alexis de
Alexis de Tocqueville and the Art of Democratic Statesmanship
Hebert (Auteur), Danoff (Auteur), L. Joseph Hebert Jr. (Sous la direction de), Brian Danoff (Sous la direction de)

Download : EUR 18,71
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 18,71

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

mercredi 24 octobre 2012

The Presidential Difference

The Presidential
The Presidential Difference
Fred I. Greenstein (Auteur)

Download : EUR 9,99
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 9,99

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Description du produit

Drawing on a quarter-century's work, Fred I. Greenstein, one of our keenest observers of the modern presidency, provides a fascinating and instructive account of the qualities that have served well and poorly in the Oval Office from Franklin D. Roosevelt's first hundred days to the beginning of George W. Bush's presidency. Greenstein offers a series of bottom-line judgments on each of his twelve subjects and a bold new explanation of why presidents succeed or fail. Previous analysts have placed their bets on the president's political prowess or personal character. Yet by the first standard, LBJ should have been our greatest president, and by the second the nod would go to Jimmy Carter. Greenstein surveys each president's record in public communication, political skill, vision, cognitive style, and emotional intelligence--and argues that the last is the most important in predicting presidential success.

mardi 23 octobre 2012

Leading Minds: An Anatomy Of Leadership

Leading Minds
Leading Minds: An Anatomy Of Leadership
Howard E. Gardner (Auteur), Emma Laskin (Avec la contribution de)

Download : EUR 10,81
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 10,81

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Description du produit

Leading Minds addresses a crucial and often ignored component of leadership -- the mind. What distinguishes the mind of an effective leader, and what is the mentality of his or her followers? Gardner links the study of creativity with the study of leadership to demonstrate the many similarities between traditional creators (artists and scientists) and leaders in business, politics and the military. He argues that the key to leadership is the creation of an arresting story -- one that grabs the followers' attention and inspires them to greater efforts. In portraits of a wide range of leaders -- from Oppenheimer to Gandhi -- Gardner re-creates each of their stories, shows where each fits in the matrix of "leader archetypes", and reveals the ways in which they ultimately succeed or fail.

dimanche 21 octobre 2012

Dreams from my Father

Dreams from
Dreams from my Father
Barack Obama (Auteur)

Download : EUR 7,20
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 7,20

(Consultez la liste Cadeaux les plus demandes dans la rubrique Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Description du produit

Obama, the son of a white American mother and a black African father, writes an elegant and compelling biography that powerfully articulates America's racial battleground and tells of his search for his place in black America. 8 pages of photos.

dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Day of Deceit

Day of
Day of Deceit
Robert Stinnett (Auteur)

Download : EUR 7,80
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 7,80

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Description du produit

This great question of Pearl Harbor -- what did we know and when did we know it? -- has been argued for years. But no investigator has ever been able to prove that foreknowledge of the attack existed at the highest levels. Until now. After decades of Freedom of Information Act requests, Robert B. Stinnett has gathered the long-hidden evidence that shatters every shibboleth of Pearl Harbor. Not only was the attack expected, it was deliberately provoked through an eight-step program devised by the Navy. Whereas previous investigators have claimed that our government did not crack Japan's military codes before December 7, 1941. Stinnett offers cable after cable of decryptions. He proves that a Japanese spy on the island transmitted information -- including a map of bombing targets -- beginning on August 21, and that we knew all about it. The evidence is overwhelming. At the highest levels -- on FDR's desk -- America had ample warning of the pending attack. At those same levels, it was understood that the isolationist American public would not support a declaration of war unless we were attacked first. The result was a plan to anger Japan, to keep the loyal officers responsible for Pearl Harbor in the dark, and thus to drag America into the greatest war of her existence. Day of Deceit is the definitive final chapter on America's greatest secret and our worst military disaster.

mercredi 3 octobre 2012

The New State (Kindle edition)

The New
The New State (Kindle edition)
Mary Parker Follett (Auteur)

Download : EUR 0,89
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 0,89

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Click Check Price & More Reviews At Amazon


Robert Service (Auteur)

Download : EUR 7,52
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 7,52

(Consultez la liste Cadeaux les plus demandes dans la rubrique Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Click Check Price & More Reviews At Amazon

lundi 1 octobre 2012

Five Minds for the Future

Five Minds
Five Minds for the Future
Howard Gardner (Auteur)

Download : EUR 8,64
6 neuf & d'occasion a partir de EUR 8,64

(Consultez la liste Meilleures ventes Leadership pour des informations officielles sur le classement actuel de ce produit.)

Click Check Price & More Reviews At Amazon